
GeneratedArt is an innovative platform dedicated to the realm of generative art. Our driving purpose is to breathe life into the spaces we occupy by harnessing the power of algorithmic art, drawing inspiration from nature and abstract data.


Our mission

Our mission is to make generative art accessible to all ages and audiences. We believe that this art form has the power to bring the hidden algorithms of life to the forefront in a way that is accessible and meaningful to everyone, or simply make our surroundings express through algorithms of nature. Data-driven generative art can also bring meaning to data by making it perceptible to our senses, revealing aspects that wouldn’t otherwise be visible, such as nano-organisms, particles, atoms, frequencies and vibrations, abstract mathematical formulas, and organisms light years away from our planet.

Our goal is to provide innovative solutions for artists and creative coders who are interested in exploring the possibilities of generative art, as well as for organizations seeking to bring this art form to their workplaces or communities, or to raise capital for philanthropic causes. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of traditional art and technology, and to creating immersive and interactive experiences that inspire and engage our audiences. By making data interpretable, we can help advance humanity and understand the elements surrounding us to better integrate them.


GeneratedArt is an innovative platform that was first established as a blog in 2016 by Guillaume Lauzier. It was launched as an extension of the VJs Magazine and VJs TV platform with the aim of showcasing generative art works. GeneratedArt has reposted thousands of generative art projects from hundreds of artists across the globe. Since 2022, the platform has been actively working towards organizing exhibitions that are dedicated to generative art. Additionally, GeneratedArt is working on bringing to life a platform to buy generative art in physical locations and online.

Guillaume Lauzier, the founder of GeneratedArt, has extensive experience in event planning, technology, and digital art. He manages the GeneratedArt exhibitions and is always at the forefront of new technologies and innovation.

Guillaume Lauzier’s experience in events includes working for almost two years at the Crochetan Theatre in Switzerland (Jan 2004 - Sep 2005), where he helped on technical sets for concerts. He has also worked for two years at Dorier International Group (Aug 2011 - Jun 2013), mainly on multinational corporate events. As an independent video reporter and producer, he has worked for four years on festivals and different corporate events (Jun 2012 - Jan 2017). As an independent artist, Guillaume has worked on VJ sets, music production and interactive installations. This diverse range of experience has made him an expert in his field and well-equipped to manage GeneratedArt exhibitions.


The Power of Generative Art for Philanthropy

Impact of Data-Driven Art on Scientific Discovery and Innovation

Emotional XYZ sound wave